Pili Productions is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1997 and based in Hilo, Island of Hawai‘i. We sponsor projects which describe local and Native Hawaiian culture through writing, film or other media. Pili Productions has been designated as a tax-exempt organization by the IRS under the federal tax code, sections 501(3)(c)
- Charles Langlas, President
- Craig Severance, Vice-president
- Aolani Kailihou, Secretary
- Janice Langlas, Treasurer
- Kaliko Beamer-Trapp
- Lynne Wolforth
- Kerri Inglis

Pili Productions has no other members besides the Board of Directors and has no paid staff. The board makes decisions about our activities and also carries them out. Our projects are generally limited to those in which one or more board members is involved, either as project director or in some smaller role.